During the 14th edition of Spoffin, we won the VKZ Spoffin OFF Award 2024. Artistic leader Alfred Konijnenbelt and VKZ director Wiebe Daalderop gave us a check of € 2.500,- to create something new. 

The price goes to new talent and the audience has to vote. About 59 percent of the people voted for our performance. Thank you so much! We’re thrilled.

During Café Theater Festival in Arnhem our new location performance won the audience award. Out of 17 performances, we were chosen as the winners. We will work a bit more to develop this and will perform this whole summer at different festivals. The première will be on the 2nd of Augustus during Boulevard Festival. See you this summer.

The filmical physical magic of DeRonde/Deroo will be visible on location for the first time during 2024. At the moment we’re in the process of creating a new world named It really hurts when your head hits the concrete. A physical duet about the weight that you’re carrying with you. Follow our website and socials, we hope to see you soon!

On 18th of October 2023 we had our première of TRANSIT – fasten your seatbelt, there’s no estimated time of arrival in a sold out Theatre Bellevue. We had a blast to share our work with so many people and had a wonderful evening. On top of that we got an amazing review by the Theaterkrant: “What an amazing performance, explosive, dynamic, acrobatics and circus seem to merge. Because of the right lighting, it all feels like a moviescène”. This season we’re still touring and we’ll be back in theaters in 2025. Dates will follow!

During Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2021 we won the Best of Fringe Award for our first production After The Echo. The jury said some very kind words:

“The jury was taken by the visual poetry of this show and calls this a performance with impeccable scenography. It felt like arriving into a different world, a feeling of being delightfully trapped. Impactful, touching and, to quote one of the jury members: “freaking magical”. The physical performance is of a stunning quality, and executed by two strong performers that as a duo are very much in tune with each other. The surreal and witty atmosphere created in this performance is inspiring promise of a new generation of magnificent mime creators.”

Because of this award we’re toured in The Netherlands, Belgium and the UK.